
Saturday, June 14, 2014

Does God hate me for being gay?

A lot of people assume that if your Gay, you have to be atheist. Since many religious congregations claim homosexuality is the ultimate sin, I must be turning my back to God. The thing about God is that we can't seem to come to an agreement about what God thinks. It's kind of hard to get the opinion of someone when you can't talk directly to them. Some people would add to that last statement, if he even exists. So in order for me to answer this question, I believe that we need to define a few truths.

1. There are many different beliefs about God.

I feel this is pretty self explanatory. Even among Christians and Muslims, there are many different sects of those churches that have different beliefs. Many even go so far as to claim that the other versions are outright wrong. 

2. We cannot use scientific means to determine if God is real. Our belief in God is based completely on our faith and trust in him/her/it.

God, by definition, is the creator of the universe. If that is so, then he doesn't necessarily have to follow the rules of that world unlike you or me. As we are only able to perceive through what science can explain, we must believe in God simply because we want to.

3. Faith can be used as a tool of charity or a tool of destruction.

I'm not going to sit here and say that the Westboro Baptist Church is inherently evil or not. I believe that just like any person who lives in the U.S., you are guaranteed your freedom of speech. While good and evil are inherently imbued to your personal opinion, we can define charity and destruction. Using your faith as an act of charity would be defined as going with your church group to feed the homeless or giving a $5 to a homeless person on the street. Faith used for destruction is the using of your belief as justification for causing physical harm on another entity, whether it be living or non living. A very clear example of causing both harm to living and non living entities would be the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center. The attackers used their faith in God to justify attacking and causing harm to other entities. Whether those are inherently wrong is an entirely different discussion. Less extreme examples would be along the lines of defacing an abortion clinic or that part in "Saved" where the very religious girl scratched off the bumper sticker of the Jewish girl’s car. If you don't know what I'm talking about, Saved is on Netflix so you can watch it there.

4. Church views have changed in the past.

In this one, I'm going to use an example closer to home for me. I grew up in a very LDS town. It used to be common for LDS men to take multiple wives. The church has since changed its views to that polygamy is wrong and that a man can only have one wife and vice verse. In fact a lot of church organizations have made this switch.

With these rules set, I believe one can make a few assumptions. The first would be that if you don't believe in God, then this entire conversation is a moot point. You don't care what God thinks because you don't believe he even exists in the first place. For the sake of this article actually having a point, I'm going to assume that you believe in God. Second is that our views on what God believes are different and the only way we're going to find out who is right and wrong is when we die and go to the afterlife. Unless you plan on enacting the whole "using faith for destruction" thing from above, hopefully neither of us will be finding out any time soon if we're right or wrong. I don't know about you, but I kind of like not having my skull bashed in. The third one doesn't apply to the individual but to a congregation. We accept the fact that our views may change over time. Most people will stick to the same beliefs there whole life while a congregation, we'll use the LDS church again as an example, has changed their viewpoint as a whole, if just a little. If you were to ask the now deceased members of the church, they might be a little angry about the changes.

What this is to say is that it's not COMPLETELY out of the question, especially since a lot of the LDS children don't seem to have that much of a problem with gay people. With that said, I could suddenly go crazy and decide that I hate myself for being gay and go on a gay killing rampage. Opinions change over time.

Because we can't ask what God thinks until we are dead, we aren't going to come to a consensus about weather God hates homosexuality. Our beliefs on what he think are going to be 100% based on our own personal faith. I am under the belief that God, as the creator of the human race, loves us unconditionally, just like many parents do. He probably wasn't too happy about a few of the bumps we had growing up, but he loves us, flaws and all. Considering humanity has done some pretty stupid and crazy things, I highly doubt God cares about sexual orientation, just as long as we don't bomb each other into kingdom come. That said, I do recognize your right to have your own opinions about the matter. While I do wish you would get a chance to know me before condemning me, as long as you’re not taking a knife to my throat, you can believe whatever you want. After all, we'll never know until we're dead.

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