However, anime has been making a move towards shorter show runs lately. Most anime's will have about 13 episodes and will usually be self contained pieces. Or course there are some notable exceptions, for example Naruto is currently clocking in at 477 episodes at the time of writing this. (That combines both the original show and Shippuden)
I think though that if people want a lenghtier show, there is nothing wrong with the old anime. It may have deviated quite a bit from the manga, but there were a few things in the anime that I liked a bit better. For example, the fact that the Spectre Sisters decided to live normal lives as humans in the anime after their defeat. Compare that to the manga where they get blown away by sailor moon in 1 hit.
Although just as there are things I liked better in the anime, there are things I like better in the manga as well. For example, does anybody remember the Amazoness Quartet of the Dead Moon Circus? They were the girls who shot billiard balls into people.
In the anime, after they are betrayed and join the good guys, they simple leave. In the manga, it turns out they were actually the girls destined to be Sailor Chibi Moons guardians and made up the faction known as the Sailor Quartet who were each named as an asteroid previously thought to be a planet.
Pictures here.
Damn it, I got side tracked with even more Sailor Moon trivia.
Anyway, I liked the first episode and I can't wait to see how the series goes. I do get a little peeved though when people start talking about things like "but that's not how it was done originally." Actually, that's exactly how they did it originally. They changed it for the anime. Do your research you twank. (I have no idea what that word means.)
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